Saturday, July 20, 2013

Praise Him ANYWAY!

At some point during our walk for God we may waver. Now I am not saying that we stop believing in God but we stop doing the things that we use to do with God from when we were born again.

For example, when you were born again you probably was so ecstatic that you made sure you attended all church events, volunteered when you could, read your Bible consistently, prayed consistently, etc.

Fast forward, it is a year into your walk....what about 5 years, what about 20 years? Has your zeal for the Lord wavered? Do you still do the things you use to do as when you became born again? If not, you need to repent right now and apologize to GOD for not giving Him your personal best.

Personally, my faith begins to waver when LIFE happens to me. For example, if I get sick I may not feel like going to church. If I get into an argument with my husband  I may not want to read my Bible and/or  pray....but friends be not deceived....the events of LIFE are just some of Satan's tactics to keep you distracted. The enemy never sleeps . . .  his job is to get you to renounce your allegiance to GOD! He has been accomplishing this for years by throwing LIFE's problems at God's people. AND sometimes, it's not even SATAN causing LIFE to happen , it's ourselves!

But the wonderful thing about our heavenly father is that he ALWAYS provides a way out when LIFE just happens.

We have to know God's word and know that He will not let anything happen to His children. He loves you! He has plans to prosper you ! NOT DESTROY YOU!!!!!

So, what now? You need to ask God to help you find your way back to him. To fill you with that zeal for HIM again. SO when you think about His goodness you have no other choice but to praise HIM.

God understands that we get distracted. But, you have to be strong and know that HE IS! God can take any obstacle you have and turn it around! What I should of done when I was feeling sick was to go to church and get my HEALING....when I had an argument with my husband I should of been talking to GOD about helping me see the solution!!!!

This is why we should praise Him anyway! It doesn't matter if you don't feel like it... that's your flesh talking nonsense! Do it anyway! God will reward you becuase He sees that you are pushing through your flesh!

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Prayer of Jabez

I just read this awesome book and can we say AWESOME!!! I noticed that the publication of this book was in 2000!!! And the information in it is still relevant today.

I will not give you the inside scope of all the "meats and potatoes" of it! But instead, give you key highlights of the book.

  1. The entire concept of book is based on 1 Chronicles 4:9-10.
  2. We need to learn to ask God to bless us.
  3. To bless in the biblical sense means to ask for God to impart supernatural favor into our lives.
  4. When we ask for his blessing we are cryin gout for His wonderful and unlimited goodness that only God can give.
  5. When we seek God's blessing as the ultimate value in life we are throwing ourselved entrirelu into his will and purpose for our life.
  6. If you don't ask for His blessing you FORFEIT those blessings, and you only get what you ask.
  7. Through a simple believing prayer you can change your future. You can change what happens one minute from now.
  8. God's bounty is only limited by US, not by his resources, power , or willingness.
  9. We must live large for GOD! He will enlarge our territory in order for His will to be accomplished through us.
  10. Whatever our gifts, education, or vocation might be our calling is to do God's work on Earth.
  11. God's Math : My willingness and weakness + God's will and supernatural power= my expanding territory.
  12. Dont just pray for God to give us strength through temptations and Satan's attacks but ask him to simply keep the devil at bay in our lives.
  13. If we aren't expereincing any type of attacks we should be worried becuase then the DEVIL doesn't see us as a threat!
Nonetheless, breif highlights that I took away. I encourage you to purchase this book! AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! I will also be blogging about my 30 day transformation from this book. Stay tuned!

Serving the Lord as A Youth

When you were young let's say 5 , what was the question you often heard? Was it "what do you want to be when you grow up?"

I know I often got asked this question. The correct question should of been "how are you going to serve the Lord".

I am still a youth; however, a lot of my youthful days were spent on pointless activities that often led to destruction.

God urges us to "flee . . . youthful lusts; but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace. . ."
2 Timothy 2: 22

God gave us clear direction on what we should be doing in our youth. Many of us have pursued our youthful lusts and God knew we would. He told us "that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God: having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof; from such turn away."
2 Timothy 3: 2-5

But this is ok! God's GRACE abounds much more than where sin dwells. That means that all the bad you ever did is covered by His GRACE !!

What you can do NOW is stop chasing after the lusts of the flesh. Instead start chasing out the fruits of GOD.

This consists of studying his WORD. The only way to know what is righteous is to know God. The only way to know GOD is through his word! Study ! Study ! Study ! God will reward you for your diligence to be a servant of His will and NOT yours! 2 Timothy 2:15

His ways produces LIFE; our ways produces DEATH! Which one will you choose?