Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Disappoinments of Life

At some point or another we all have been disappointed because our expectations were not met. In life, as long as sin exists, we will be disappointed. We cannot isolate these "disappointing events" and hold grudges. We as Christians, must recognize that everything happens to us according to God's purpose.

Romans 8:28 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

For example, consider baking cookies from scratch. You have your flour, eggs, margarine, sugar, milk, but you forgot the baking soda at the store. You decide to go ahead and bake the cookies without the baking soda. You figure it is only a tablespoon that you need and it won't harm the cookies. When you pull the cookies out the oven, they were flat and tastless. All from missiong 1 tablesppon of baking soda.

The point is, God allows things to happen to us because they are the "key ingredients" needed to shape and mold us. If God prevents events from occurring then we will be missing key ingredients and then we will come out flat and tasteless just like the cookies. We must recognize that God is the master chef. He knows the recipe for our lives. He knows how to add key ingredients into our lives according to his time.

In life we will face situations that do not make sense and it will cause us to feel bitter when we look at that incident alone. Always remember that nothing in life happens to you, it happens for you. 

Do not let life change your name. For example consider Naomi. Her name means "my joy" but when she went through a rough time in life she changed her name to Mara , which means "my sorrow: (Read Ruth 1:1-22) Naomi allowed life to make her bitter. Always know that your future will be greater than your past. You just have to have faith and patience in God. 

I pray that this has helped you. Please contact me if you have any comments or questions.