Saturday, December 15, 2012

Having Faith Gives Us Access to God's Grace

" Faith is the access to God's Grace."

Understanding God's Grace
God established many covenants with man, in order to have a personal relationship with man.

In the beginning there was God before the foundation of the Earth. It was God who spoke existence into all creation-- except one thing. God did not create man by speaking man into existence. God created man by breathing life into him. 

After man and woman was created, God told Adam that he would be God over the Earth and God will be God over the heavens. God created man in his own image and likeness. He gave Adam equal power and authority to rule over the Earth. When Adam sinned he gave that power and authority over to Satan. 

When Adam sinned we lost:
  1. Our mind- to use our brains to full capacity because we are no longer perfect.
  2. Perfection- we are know suspetible to many diseases and each generations life spans gets shorter.
  3. Relationship- our connection with God and access to Him changed.
This is often known as the Adamaic Covenant.

Because of this, God had to create a covenant with man because He wants to have a  relationship with us. He created the Noahaic Covenant establishing that he will never destroy the Earth/Man with water again. God flooded the Earth initially and destroyed everything except for Noah and his family and selected animals. He destroyed the Earth because it was filled with wickedness and all kinds of perverse things. But God promised Noah, no matter how bad man becomes he will not destroy it by water again. To establish this covenant he created the "rainbow" as a sign of remembrance of this covenant.

There are other covenants such as: Mosaic, Davidic, and New Covenant. I just wanted to give you an idea of God's Grace. God loves each and everyone of us. If God did not love us, then he could of just taken back his covenants and wipe out the Earth and start over. He's God----he doesn't have to explain Himself to us. But that's not what He wants to do. He wants to have a relationship with each and everyone of us. God took time to make each and everyone of us uniquely in his image.

It's only through His Grace and love that we are able to receive His blessings. In order to receive His blessings we must believe that what God says is true. This requires faith. Hebrews 11:1.

"Faith is comfortedness in God's word"

"He saved us and called us before the foundation of the Earth, before time began." Hebrews 4:1 (KJV)

Faith summons the answer from God. We need to have faith in order to receive the "hook-up" from God. Faith is the "hook-up". You cannot use your physical tools and expect to fight in a spiritual warfare. You must have faith in order to fight in spiritual warfare.