Thursday, December 13, 2012

Spreading "His" Word

God has qualified all of us to be messengers of "His" word. 

Jesus told his 11 disciples to:

"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15 (KJV)

God told Moses that he will tell him what to say. So why do you think God will not assist you in preaching the message? God is the one that can qualify you to preach HIS word.

"And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or death, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say." Exodus 4:10-12 (KJV)

Paul tell us to:

"But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry." 2 Timothy 4:5 (KJV)

There are numerous scriptures throughout the Bible that indicates that our primary purpose in life is to preach "His" word and bring his lost "sheep" back to him. Therefore, be mindful in your Christian endeavors from shunning those who are not "ordained" according to man's laws to preach the gospel. Pray to God and he will give you the ability to discern what His truth is.

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and , lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Matthew 28:19-20 (KJV) 

"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:16 (KJV) 

We all must "study yo shew thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15